Monday, May 26, 2008

Ruby's rhyming poem

Dinosaur, dinosaur
don't eat me.
Eat someone else:
I'm Grann-y.

Body language

If it's very very very hard
(says Ruby)
to figure yes or no
that's your body's way
of saying No.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Here's an ambulance

Here's an ambulance
(says Ruby).
Will you fight with them please?

They're going to steal my marry dress.
Oh, they've wrecked my marry dress
with their words!

I have to talk to my Buddha about that.
But not today:
I have to sew my marry dress.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Do you know?

Do you know
(says Ruby)
how we stop smelling bad smells?
We roll around on the ground
like this,
and wiggle our hips.

Do you know how we do ones?
We do a big line
and a line, like that.
You did it wrong.

Do you know I can say
warm as toast two ways.
Warm as toast
and toast as warm.